Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer

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Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer
Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Database


Win7PL/SQL连Oralce提示Could not initialize 'oci.dll'

2013-07-01 15:03 阅读(?)评论(0)

今天在 x64 的 Win7 上重新安装了 Oralce 后,通过 PL/SQL 连接数据库时,提示如下错误信息


windows7 64bit

Oracle win64 11gR2

PL/SQL v9.0


  1. Initialization error
  2. Could not initialize 'C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll'
  3. Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed.
  4. OCIDLL forced to C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll
  5. LoadLibrary(C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll) returned 0


安装完后Oracle的 oci.dll 是64位的,而32位应用程序 PLSQL Developer 无法加载。


1. 从 下载Oracle Client Package。 我下载的是Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) 【】
2. 将 解压至 c:oracle, oci.dll 所在目录为:c:oracleinstantclient_11_2
NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK (注:NLS_LANG前半部分必须是AMERICAN_AMERICA,因为instant client不支持其他语言;而后半部分可以根据你数据库的字符集调整,如果数据库采用AL32UTF8,则可以设置AL32UTF8
4. 启动PL/SQL Developer ,点击'取消'不要登录,菜单 --> Tools --> Perferences --> Connection 修改 Oracle_Home 和 OCI Library 的配置:
OracleHome: OraDb11g_home1
OCI library: C:oracleinstantclient_11_2oci.dll
5. 重新启动 PL/SQL并登录对应的数据库,连接正常,问题成功解决!
上一篇: Oracle 11g 安装出现[INS-08109]和找不到文件'oc4j_appli' 下一篇:sql 2012'代理 XP'服务器配置选项

评论 想第一时间抢沙发么?

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Version

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer
  1. Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Database
  2. Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Version
  3. Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Key

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Database


Win7PL/SQL连Oralce提示Could not initialize 'oci.dll'

2013-07-01 15:03 阅读(?)评论(0)

今天在 x64 的 Win7 上重新安装了 Oralce 后,通过 PL/SQL 连接数据库时,提示如下错误信息


windows7 64bit

Oracle win64 11gR2

PL/SQL v9.0


  1. Initialization error
  2. Could not initialize 'C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll'
  3. Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed.
  4. OCIDLL forced to C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll
  5. LoadLibrary(C:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binoci.dll) returned 0


安装完后Oracle的 oci.dll 是64位的,而32位应用程序 PLSQL Developer 无法加载。


1. 从 下载Oracle Client Package。 我下载的是Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) 【】
2. 将 解压至 c:oracle, oci.dll 所在目录为:c:oracleinstantclient_11_2
NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK (注:NLS_LANG前半部分必须是AMERICAN_AMERICA,因为instant client不支持其他语言;而后半部分可以根据你数据库的字符集调整,如果数据库采用AL32UTF8,则可以设置AL32UTF8
4. 启动PL/SQL Developer ,点击'取消'不要登录,菜单 --> Tools --> Perferences --> Connection 修改 Oracle_Home 和 OCI Library 的配置:
OracleHome: OraDb11g_home1
OCI library: C:oracleinstantclient_11_2oci.dll
5. 重新启动 PL/SQL并登录对应的数据库,连接正常,问题成功解决!
上一篇: Oracle 11g 安装出现[INS-08109]和找不到文件'oc4j_appli' 下一篇:sql 2012'代理 XP'服务器配置选项

评论 想第一时间抢沙发么?

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Version

Initialization Error Could Not Locate Oci Dll Pl Sql Developer Key

No, create No, create Cannot Load Oci Dll Toad Oci.dll Could Not Be Loaded Windows 7 The SQL Nav is installed in C: Quest Software SQL Navigator for Oracle as I am in PATH. I figured out additional hints Up Next Article What is a Boot Sector Join & Ask a technology professionals and ask your questions. 在64位机器上使用plSQL连接Oracle的问题 SQL Net not properly installed 其他 2019-02-24 22:51:34 阅读次数: 0 在64位机器上了64位的oracle客户端。.

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